I thought that this TED talk was particularly enlightening and good in identifying some dominant characteristics of the religiosity or spirituality of millennials.
(Some salient points from an online TED talk of Prof. Paul Robertson of New
Hampshire University)
No less
religious-spiritual than other generations! With regard to 'beliefs and practices', millennials are no
less religious-spiritual than other generations. The factor that sets them
apart is that their beliefs and practices are removed from
institutionalized-organized religion and are more individual, private and
Functionalism - religion's value is the
function that it performs in society. Society is an organism. Religion enables
society as an organism to function
properly. It’s like football in New England (the speaker’s local context). When
Sunday comes, you know how to dress, what to do, where to go, who to root for
or against, etc. 'Football', functionally speaking, plays a huge role in New
England. Religion does a similar thing when considered from the point of view
of functionalism.
Structuralism - our institutions, beliefs
and practices form a structure so that when we are “in this structure” we know
where we are located, what role we have to play in this incredibly complex
universe. Religions create such a structure. You don't have to inquire about
everything anymore. A structure "puts you in your place" and you know
it. However, nowadays, when people (especially the youth) are not religious
anymore (in a structural way), the meaning of life is not so clear anymore.
People don't know their "place" in the universe anymore. The
traditional religious view is that we are "imago dei." Is it any
wonder that the instances of depression are more numerous today today than in
ages past?
SBNR - among millennials, 72% say
they're "spiritual but not religious". In short, many still
believe that there's something bigger than themselves. Millennials, although
not religious, still believe that there's a "bigger meaning" to life.